Grades 7-9

Blackmore Backpacking Expedition

Camping, hiking, summiting Mount Blackmore

Hoist your backpack for five days and four nights as we set off to navigate to Mount Blackmore and clamber to the top! Over the course of the week, you’ll cook delicious backcountry meals, perfect how to pack your backpack, and use a map and compass. Learn about the flora and fauna of the Gallatin Mountain Range as you hike through it and sleep under the stars!

This is the perfect trip for middle schoolers who already have backpacking experience. The focus of the trip is deepening your backpacking skills, and students can expect to hike 3-6 miles per day. There will be a rest day in the middle of the trip.

Note on our instructors: our instructors are highly qualified with Wilderness First Responder certifications and extensive experience in the backcountry. The instructors are prepared to keep students secure during inclement weather conditions including rain, thunderstorms, and heat.

Curious if your child is the right fit? Reach out to Kendal at!

Dates: August 5-9

Price: $980 (Includes 4 overnights, backpacks, food, transportation, tents, and instruction)